About Our Presenter

  • View Shanya's Resume and training portfolio

    Here is what Shanya has to say about her education and work experience related to human sexuality, gender, consent, etc.:

    I graduated from California State University Sacramento with a bachelor's degree in Human Development and a certificate in Family Life Education  (aka “sex ed”). That was the beginning of my journey as a sexuality educator.

    Next, I graduated from Pacific School of Religion (seminary) with a Master's Degree in Divinity. While I was there I focused on learning what the world’s major religions think about sexuality. At the time my plan was to provide sexuality education work within faith communities.

    While I was in college I wrote my first curriculum on healthy body image. I have since written 3 additional curriculums and designed over 75 trainings related to sexuality.

    While I was in grad school, I also completed an internship with an agency focused on clergy sexual abuse.

    After grad school, I worked in HIV/AIDS prevention in Southern Africa. This was especially meaningful to me because I was born in Zimbabwe.

    After I returned, I worked in domestic violence prevention in Oregon. This was a return to the Pacific Northwest where I grew up as a kid.

    And then, finally, I founded this agency, Among Friends, LLC.

  • Here is what Shanya has to say about her personal lenses for this work:

    I have multiple lenses for the work we do at Among Friends, LLC. All of my identities and experiences (listed below) inform how I approach supporting people and how I train on these topics.

    1. I was raised in a religious household and am the daughter of a minister and missionary parents;

    2. Growing up, I experienced countless non-consensual sexualized interactions and sexual harassment and I am a survivor of sexual violence. I have also done a lot of therapy to process my sexual trauma;

    3. Working in HIV/AIDS prevention and domestic violence prevention gave me many insights into healthy and unhealthy relational dynamics;

    4. I am an advocate and activist for healthy relationships, healthy touch and healthy sexuality;

    5. I have worked for over 10 years as a behavior professional in the field of intellectual, developmental, and neuro- diversity in Oregon (USA).

  • Visit Shanya’s page to see additional information about her background and get to know a little more about her.

Presenter Bios

  • Shanya Luther, M.Div. - Founder and Director, Among Friends, LLC

    Shanya Luther is a social-sexual ecologist and professional training facilitator in the field of human sexuality, with over two-decades of experience.  She is the founder and co-owner of Among Friends, LLC.

    Shanya holds a bachelor's in Human Development and a Masters of Divinity. For the past 20 years she has been helping people meet their basic human needs, protecting their legal rights, assisting them to stay safe and healthy, and keeping their own behaviors legal.

  • Shanya Luther, M.Div. - Founder and Director, Among Friends, LLC

    Shanya Luther is a social-sexual ecologist and professional training facilitator in the field of human sexuality, with over 20 years of experience.  She is the founder and co-owner of Among Friends, LLC.

    Shanya holds a bachelor's in Human Development, a Certificate in Family Life Education, and a Masters of Divinity. For the past 20+ years she has been helping people meet their basic human needs, protecting their legal rights, assisting them to stay safe and healthy, and keeping their behaviors legal.

    Shanya utilizes an ecological framework and incorporates neurobiology, attachment theory, trauma informed care, and social-emotional learning into her work.  She writes, speaks, presents and consults about all facets of sexuality; specializing in healthy relationships and healthy sexual development.