Innovative Solutions for Social-Sexual Supports

Our mission

Our mission is to help people understand social-sexual behaviors within an ecological framework and offer innovative strategies, skills and solutions. 

Our Expertise

Our specialty is helping people with everything related to:

  • Bodies - body parts, bodily functions, body image

  • Gender - exploring gender identity / expression, transitioning

  • Sexuality - orientation, self-pleasuring, activities, risky behaviors

  • Relationships - friendship, dating, partnership, breaking up

  • Communication - boundaries and consent

  • Rights - self determination and supported decision-making

  • Trauma - sexual trauma, sexually maladaptive behaviors, trauma-informed care

  • And Other Related Topics – such as: sexuality and technology, healthy sexual development, safety and legalities…and much, much, more!!!

“I will use what I learned with the individuals I support as a behavior professional. I am excited to have conversations with individuals and their caregivers/supports around building a structure for healthy human needs!”

— Participant in “It’s Not Just About Saying ‘No” at the FACT Summit 2024

Get started with Among Friends today.