Creating Safer Spaces; Systemic Changes to Better Support & Include Sexual & Gender Minorities

Duration: 40 minutes

Cost: $20

I learned about the need for ALL folks (including folx with IDD) to explore their gender and sexual identities, as well as approaches to support youth through this exploration.
— OTAC Youth Summit participant


Many organizations who are open and supportive of LGBTQIA+ people still unintentionally participate in thoughtless, discriminatory, or even oppressive practices in the day-to-day operation of their work. Making changes to be a more mindful, inclusive, and empowering place to work and seek services will help your organization in terms of morale and retention.

Learning Objectives:

  • Create a plan for how to define and talk about sexual and gender minority definitions as an organization

  • Identify steps you can take as an organization to become educated regarding queer history, issues, and challenges

  • Recognize how physical spaces, organizational systems, and staffing can all be more inclusive and LGBTQIA+ friendly

  • Learn how to share power and privilege within your organization to create more equity within your structures

  • Create a plan for how you can get regular input from queer communities as to how welcoming and inclusive your services and employment are to sexual and gender minorities