Tools & Resources
Tools and Resources
We have a library of innovative tools and valuable resources for you to use directly with someone you support! And we are developing more all the time.
Understanding the crisis cycle, and knowing how to respond at each stage of it, can dramatically improve your odds of helping someone de-escalate and avoid a crisis.
Click here for the full tool description.
Cost: $5
This guide is designed to be used by someone for their own education or by members of a support team to help them. This tool includes: key terms, values, guidelines, and worksheets with reflection questions.
Click here for the full tool description.
Cost: $20
Nurturing touch is a basic human need. This tool will help match the types of touch a supported person wants and the types of touch their professional staff are willing and able to offer.
Click here for the full tool description.
Cost: $10
Each printable deck comes with instructions for how it can be used independently to build different knowledge and skills, as well as how to combine decks for more complex learning.
Click here for the description of each deck.
Cost: $10 per deck, or $35 for the full set of 5 decks
Card Decks:
Relationship Categories
Body Parts
Types of Touch
Public and Private Locations
Romantic and Sexual Activities
Assessment Tools
We have several specialized assessments available to verified behavior, medical, and mental health professionals.