Direct Support Professionals

We’d Like to Partner With You!

We know social services professionals don’t get enough training about how to support vulnerable people with sexual health concerns - such as someone with intellectual / developmental diversity (disability), a mental health disorder, cognitive impairment or anyone needing long-term care. …We’re here to help.

  • Our training program offers over 25 social-sexual topics to increase your comfort and deepen your knowledge to support your clients with sexual health concerns!

  • We know that every year professionals have to earn Continuing Education Units (CEU's), so we've got you covered!

    You will receive 18 CEU's when you attend our Tier 1: FOUNDATIONS course.

    We also have over 25 Training Topics approved for between 1.5-6 CEU's.

  • If your team or organization needs help providing Positive Behavior Support Services, we'd love to work with you!

  • We have developed a variety of resources and tools to help you support your clients and their families.

  • We offer consultation services for families and professionals who support someone who is vulnerable or needs long-term care.

You’re Invited!

Want to Know More? Come to our FREE Introductory Training Session. Participants receive a link to our list of over 300 social-sexual resources!