Michelle Silbernagel

Michelle has been working in the I/DD field since 1994, including time spent at Oregon School for the Blind, Oregon School for the Deaf, Fairview Training Center, Human Services department for both Food Stamps/OHP as well as Child Welfare. Michelle was a service coordinator for a local county for nearly three years. Most recently she is an aunt to a nine year old with an ASD diagnosis who never stops moving and who mouths and or swallows inedible objects, and who requires significant support to keep safe. Michelle started her own business May of 2018 and we are growing slowly and thoughtfully to bridge the gap of unmet needs, with goals around ensuring services in local community.

Michelle has completed significant training with Among Friends, and has worked with sex offenders and offenders her entire careers which now spans nearly 30 years. This means she has extensive experience in balancing ASD, I/DD, knowledge, learning, transition ages youth and ensuring safe and accurate supports for the people we are lucky enough to service both in behavior challenges, and in growth in all areas of their lives.