Resources for:
Sexual Violence & Trauma-Informed Care
Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others By Laura Vandermoot Lipsky with Connie Burk
6 Guiding Principles To A Trauma-Informed Approach - from the CDC
Trauma-Informed Oregon - Trauma Informed Oregon serves as a centralized source of information and resources for trauma informed efforts.
The Trauma Stewardship Institute - Through keynote speeches, experiential workshops, and direct consultation, we offer practical tools for cultivating the deep self-knowledge and systemic insights that are at the core of trauma stewardship.
Training Module:
Intro to Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) Online Training Modules - Free training modules from Trauma-Informed Oregon
Person-Centered Approaches to Supporting Dignity of Risk for People with Disabilities - from the National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems
The Paradox of Trauma-Informed Care - TEDTalk with Dr. Vicky Kelly
Brain Health and Trauma-Informed Care for People with Developmental and Intellectual Disability - from The Arc
What is Trauma-Informed Care? From the Trauma-Informed Care Resource Implementation Resource Center
Adverse Childhood Experiences Study From the CDC