Advocates & Activists (*sp) = specific pricing Building a Safety Net of Trusted Advocates for Vulnerable Adults (sp*) NEW topic for 2025!This training will focus on building a safety net to offer vulnerable adults trusted advocates with whom they can discuss personal topics, and it will emphasize the advocates’ role in balancing a person’s safety with their legal rights.READ MORE > Building Safer Spaces for Sexual & Gender Minorities - Part 2 Help your organization thrive, build morale, and bolster retention of both clients and staff by making changes to be a more mindful, inclusive, and empowering place to work.READ MORE > Decoding Sexual Behaviors (sp*) NEW topic for 2025!Learn how to evaluate sexualized behaviors from many different perspectives to ensure creative, just, and person-centered responses.READ MORE > Sexual Health Advocacy (sp*) Learn how you can go beyond merely an ally and become an advocate for people regarding issues of sexuality.READ MORE > Sexual Health Rights are Basic Human Rights (sp*) NEW topic for 2025!Explore a broad overview of the global movements engaged in promoting sexual health as a basic human right and discover how those must be enforced for people with disabilities, disorders, and/or who need long-term care.READ MORE > Sexual Self-Determination & Supported Decision-Making This training walks you through steps to utilize supported decision-making with someone to teach them how to make decisions regarding their sexuality and relationships.READ MORE > Sexual Violence & Trauma Informed Care Incidents of sexual violence are up to 7-10 times more prevalent in vulnerable populations - which is why knowing how to respond in a trauma-informed manner is so critical. Learn how to best support the people you supporT!READ MORE > The Ecosystem of Sexuality & Social Services (sp*) NEW topic for 2025!This training examines how social service systems often react to a sexual incident involving a vulnerable person in a manner which ultimately leads to violations of a person's rights.READ MORE > The Intersection of Sexual Development & the Need for Direct Care (sp*) NEW topic for 2025!This training outlines the needs, realities, and barriers of people who require direct care related to sexual development.READ MORE >