Sexual Self-Determination

Certification Program

An Innovative & Interactive Professional Development Opportunity!

The Sexual Self-Determination Training Program is designed to empower parents and professionals to respond to issues of sexual health and development in positive, proactive and person-centered ways, and to promote healthy sexuality and relationships for vulnerable people and people needing long-term care*.

Program participants gain knowledge, skills, tools, and resources to increase their comfort, understanding, and ability to address important social-sexual issues. Some common examples include: Masturbation, Consent and Boundaries, Internet Use, and Navigating Relationships.

* Vulnerable people and people needing long-term care includes: people who experience intellectual and developmental diversity (disabilities), neurodiversity, traumatic brain injuries, cognitive decline, mental health disorders, and behavior disorders.

I appreciated how comfortable the presenters made each participatant feel to open up about sensitive and uncomfortable topics.
— 2024 Tier 1: FOUNDATIONS participant
I think the perspective and time in our hive groups and the connections there was the thing I enjoyed most about the training.
— 2023 Tier 2: ADVOCACY participant
I love these trainings. They feed my soul!
— 2024 Tier 3: TRAIN-THE TRAINER participant
This is an amazing training series and I would encourage all my co-workers to take these classes to learn all the information in each of these classes.
— 2024 Tier 3: TRAIN-THE-TRAINER participant
You’d be surprised how many people want to advocate for people’s sexuality, but they do it behind closed doors. This helps us open the conversation and bring it out in the open in a safe way.
— 2023 Tier 2: ADVOCACY participant
So inclusive and accessible! I refer back to my notes from tier one all the time. The monthly meeting group (First Friday Roundtable) has been vital to retaining this knowledge and fighting social worker emotional burnout and fatigue.
I truly enjoyed connecting with and learning from not only Shanya but also from the cohort of people at this training. Such varied experiences and lots of great conversation!
— 2023 Tier 1: FOUNDATIONS participant
To anyone thinking of taking this training, Go For It! You’ll have fun, enjoy it and learn so much!
— 2024 Tier 3: TRAIN-THE-TRAINER participant
I felt so heard and understood and seen.
— 2023 Tier 1: FOUNDATIONS participant
LOVED THIS TRAINING! By far, my favorite I’ve attended.
— 2021 Tier 2: ADVOCACY participant
This is truly my jam. I really light up with this work and look forward to seeing how it will evolve in my life. I knew I loved it AND I also really love doing the Work. I’ve learned more about technology and facilitation with Zoom and Google tools.
— 2024 Tier 3: TRAIN-THE-TRAINER participant
I appreciate the round tables every time I can attend. They are informative and entertaining. I learn about my practice and what else is going on in the field. I cannot always make it, but always learn and laugh when I am there.
— 2024 Cert Program participant
The wealth of knowledge is amazing! There is so much complexity to sexuality. You opened up a new passion for me in this field!
— 2023 Tier 2: ADVOCACY participant