Professional Nurturing Touch Menu

Cost: $10

This is so cool!!! I wouldn’t have thought I’d have a big use for it, but now that I have it, I’ll look for opportunities to use it. Thank you!
— Developmental Disabilities Consultant & Trainer


Nurturing touch is a basic human need. And professionals who support a vulnerable person are responsible for helping them get their basic needs met. But, of course, it isn’t that simple.

  • How do we help ensure touch that is nurturing and caring, not sexual or sensuous?

  • How do we determine what types of touch someone wants on a given day?

  • How do we ascertain consent?

  • How do we honor the professional’s boundaries and consent at the same time?

This is an incredibly useful tool in helping everyone find the match between the types of touch a supported person wants, and the types of touch their staff are willing and able to offer…, leading to happier, healthier lives for both!

This tool includes:

  1. Basic information on the importance of nurturing, affectionate touch.

  2. Physical, Psychological, and Social benefits of nurturing touch.

  3. Reminders about what to do before offering caring forms of touch.

  4. A Menu of Nurturing Touch options professionals can offer someone and instructions for how to use the menu.

  5. Questions about things to consider regarding touch when supporting someone.