Policy Makers

We’d Like to Partner With You!

We know social services professionals at your level often don’t know how to create policies and offer training about how to support vulnerable people with sexual health concerns - such as someone with intellectual / developmental diversity (disability), a mental health disorder, cognitive impairment or anyone needing long-term care. …We’re here to help.

  • Our Certification Program is designed to build capacity of parents and professionals to address social-sexual concerns in positive, pro-active, and person-centered ways.

    It also cultivates innovative rights based, medically accurate, and trauma informed Social-Sexual Support Services.

  • Many direct support staff quit when they encounter behaviors regarding a client's sexuality. Sometimes it's because it activates their own trauma, sometimes it's because they have conflicting values, and sometimes it's because they have not received the specialized training to know how to address these issues.

    Both our Certification Program and our Training Program can help combat the loss of direct support professionals!

  • Many concerning and dangerous behaviors are related to social-sexual issues.

    Our training program offers over 25 social-sexual topics to increase parent's and professional's comfort and deepen their knowledge to support vulnerable people with sexual health concerns!

  • If your organization needs help providing Positive Behavior Support Services, we'd love to work with you!

  • We have developed a variety of resources and tools to help parents and professionals address social-sexual behaviors and healthy sexual development.

  • When a vulnerable person has been accused of social-sexual misconduct or crimes, or is being discriminated against, it can be hard to know who can help.

    We offer consultation services for families and professionals navigating these difficult and sensitive issues.

You’re Invited!

Want to Know More? Come to our FREE Introductory Training Session. Participants receive a link to our list of over 300 social-sexual resources!