“I discovered the importance of offering support to those in need without judgment or apprehension about sensitive matters. ”
— It’s Not Just About Saying “No”; Proactive and Person-Centered Sexual Supports
“This training is desperately needed for our entire agency! I hope to continue to take your other courses and advocate for this training for our direct care staff :) Thank you for your dedication to this work. ”
— Finding the Balance; Protection, Empowerment, and Sexual Self-Determination for Vulnerable Populations
“it was a good reminder how important inclusion is and how small changes can make a huge impact”
— Creating Safer Spaces; Systemic Changes to Better Support & Include Sexual & Gender Minorities
“Learning about what can cause some of the sexual behaviors [of clients] was enlightening.”
— Are You Forgetting Something?!?; The Six Core Components of Sexuality
“[This training made me realize that] when I am doing the Oregon Needs Assessment with a customer I need to remember that “sex” in one form or another is a basic human need.”
— Let's Talk About Sex! - For Professionals
“I learned some tools to help me provide supports around an individual’s decision and then help them evaluate how they feel about the outcome of their decision.”
— Sexual Self-Determination and Supported Decision-Making
“I am excited for DSPs to take this course and learn that it is ok and it doesn’t have to be uncomfortable”
— The “M” Word; Education and Supports for Self-Stimulation
“The emphasis on the need to be proactive in our approach to dealing with each individual in a person centered approach was enlightening.”
— Intro to Social-Sexual Supports
“I appreciated the reminder of being a constant advocate in as many circles as possible.”
— From Ally to Advocate
“Initially I started seeking out trainings that have to do with healthy romantic sexual partners and how to teach this to our ID/DD community, now I am actively preparing for how I would be using these tools to create a plan of steps for future adults I work with.”
— Designing a Roadmap for Romantic & Sexual Relationships
“One of my favorite parts was the discussions with other participants - as well as learning how trauma can effect all aspects of life.”
— Trauma-Informed Care - What You Need to Know
“My most valuable take-away was that saying no to everything or saying you can’t do that, isn’t the way to support the individual. It only causes them confusion and will only leave them to try and figure it out themselves, which could be harmful to them.”
— Digital Desires; Sexuality, Relationships and Technology
“The content was presented in an understandable and approachable manner which made discussing potentially uncomfortable and important topics much easier.”
— Participant in Digital Desires
“I will use what I learned with the individuals I support as a behavior professional. I am excited to have conversations with Individuals and their caregivers/supports around building a structure for healthy Human Needs!”