Direct Care Professionals (*sp) = specific pricing Atypical Development & Behaviors (sp*) NEW topic for 2025!This training will help you to understand the link between atypical human development and different types of problematic, unhealthy, or even violent behaviors.READ MORE > Building a Safety Net of Trusted Advocates for Vulnerable Adults (sp*) NEW topic for 2025!This training will focus on building a safety net to offer vulnerable adults trusted advocates with whom they can discuss personal topics, and it will emphasize the advocates’ role in balancing a person’s safety with their legal rights.READ MORE > Categorizing Relationships; a Framework for Healthy Boundaries Learn how to build a framework for someone that can serve as an evolving tool for teaching about different relationship categories - including appropriate behaviors, boundaries, consent, and characteristics of healthy relationships.READ MORE > Designing a Roadmap for Romantic & Sexual Relationships Build a relationship ‘roadmap’ with people you support to show them healthy ways to find romantic and/or sexual partner(s).READ MORE > Intro to Social-Sexual Supports Learn tools to help your clients keep social and sexual behaviors safe, legal, and situationally appropriate.READ MORE > Introduction to Trauma-Informed Care Learn more about what trauma-informed care is and how you, your organization, and your clients can benefit from it.READ MORE > Let’s Talk About Sex! - For Parents It can be incredibly difficult to know what to do when you need to talk to your child about sex and sexuality. Feel more prepared for talking about the birds and the bees with your pre-teen, teen, or adult child!READ MORE> Proactive & Person-Centered Sexual Supports We can and should expect people to seek romantic relationships and express their sexuality. When they do, it is important to understand how to balance safety with empowerment. Learn how to teach people to make informed decisions about their relationships and sexuality.READ MORE > Puberty vs. Adolescence Puberty and Adolescence are not the same thing. This training will help you learn how to separate puberty from adolescence as two different processes, but understand the importance of each.READ MORE > Social-Sexual Card Decks for Skill Building (sp*) NEW topic for 2025!This training will teach participants how to use 5 different card decks to help build someone’s social-sexual skills, including: consent, boundaries, situationally appropriate behaviors, and much more!READ MORE > Teaching Consent & Boundaries Whether it's medical, financial, social, or sexual, everyone needs to understand what consent is and their right to extend, decline or withdraw it. Learn about consent and how to teach it to someone else.READ MORE > The “M” Word; Education & Supports for Self-Stimulation Self-stimulation can be awkward and embarrassing to talk about, but it is also the safest expression of a person’s basic, biological sex drive. Learn how to talk about and support this private topic in a professional manner.READ MORE > Virtual Realities; Sexuality, Relationships & Technology Learn how to support someone else as they navigate the challenges, pros and cons, and potential consequences of digital desire… all while understanding the powerful drive for human connection.READ MORE >