Employment Professionals (*sp) = specific pricing Building a Safety Net of Trusted Advocates for Vulnerable Adults (sp*) NEW topic for 2025!This training will focus on building a safety net to offer vulnerable adults trusted advocates with whom they can discuss personal topics, and it will emphasize the advocates’ role in balancing a person’s safety with their legal rights.READ MORE > Categorizing Relationships; a Framework for Healthy Boundaries Learn how to build a framework for someone that can serve as an evolving tool for teaching about different relationship categories - including appropriate behaviors, boundaries, consent, and characteristics of healthy relationships.READ MORE > Introduction to Trauma-Informed Care Learn more about what trauma-informed care is and how you, your organization, and your clients can benefit from it.READ MORE > Let’s Talk About Sex! - For Professionals It can be incredibly difficult to know what to do when you need to talk with a client and/or their family about sex and sexuality. Learn to navigate these difficult and sometimes contentious issues.READ MORE > Workplace Relationships - Part 1 (working with a supported person) This training is for employment support professionals who help their clients experiencing intellectual, developmental, and/or neurological diversity in an employment setting to be better prepared to understand workplace relationships and boundaries.READ MORE > Workplace Relationships - Part 2 (working with employers) This training is for employment support professionals who want to set their clients up for success on the job by helping employers clarify rules and expectations for how people interact on the job.READ MORE >