Training Topics - By Audience

Our training topics are organized in the list below by recommended audience to make it easier for you to find what you are most interested in.

  • We recommend these training topics for family members and professionals who are caring for a vulnerable person on a day-to-day basis and often tasked with helping them build life skills and trying to keep them safe.

    Examples include: parents and siblings, direct care professionals, foster care providers, and group home and day program staff.

  • We recommend these training topics for anyone who:

    • leads a provider organization

    • sets policies and priorities for state and national service departments

    Examples include: program and agency directors, policy analysts, state legislators and leaders, regional and national disability associations.

  • We recommend these training topics for anyone who works professionally with vulnerable people to address or change their behaviors.

  • We recommend these training topics for anyone who works professionally to help people obtain and maintain a job.

  • We recommend these training topics for anyone who works professionally with vulnerable people in a medical or mental health capacity.

  • We recommend these training topics for abuse investigators

  • We recommend these training topics for anyone who:

    • advocates on behalf of vulnerable people

    • seeks large scale social change on behalf of vulnerable populations

    Examples include: activists and self-advocates, educators, social workers, non-profit organizations.